*## Creamos la Data
local units = 30
local start = 1
local end = 60
local time = `end' - `start' + 1
local obsv = `units' * `time'
set obs `obsv'
egen id = seq(), b(`time')
egen t = seq(), f(`start') t(`end')
sort id t
xtset id t
set seed 20211222
gen Y = 0 // outcome variable
gen D = 0 // intervention variable
gen cohort = . // treatment cohort
gen effect = . // treatment effect size
gen first_treat = . // when the treatment happens for each cohort
gen rel_time = . // time - first_treat
levelsof id, local(lvls)
foreach x of local lvls {
local chrt = runiformint(0,5)
replace cohort = `chrt' if id==`x'
levelsof cohort , local(lvls)
foreach x of local lvls {
local eff = runiformint(2,10)
replace effect = `eff' if cohort==`x'
local timing = runiformint(`start',`end' + 20) //
replace first_treat = `timing' if cohort==`x'
replace first_treat = . if first_treat > `end'
replace D = 1 if cohort==`x' & t>= `timing'
replace rel_time = t - first_treat
replace Y = id + t + cond(D==1, effect * rel_time, 0) + rnormal()
xtline Y, overlay legend(off)
* ### BJS Inputation
cap ado uninstall ftools
net install ftools, from(https://github.com/sergiocorreia/ftools/raw/master/src/)
ssc install gtools
gtools, upgrade
cap ado uninstall reghdfe
net install reghdfe, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sergiocorreia/reghdfe/master/src/")
ssc install did_imputation, replace
did_imputation Y i t first_treat, horizons(0/10) pretrend(10)
* No calcula los coeficients del "pre-periodo" porque el minimo es 30 unidades de control.
* Cambiemos el minimo a 0 unidades
did_imputation Y i t first_treat, horizons(0/10) pretrend(10) minn(0)
* ahora si tenemos los pre-dummies.
event_plot, default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Periods since the event") ytitle("Average effect") ///
title("BJS") xlabel(-10(1)10)) stub_lag(tau#) stub_lead(pre#) together
event_plot, default_look graph_opt(xtitle("Days since the event") ytitle("Coefficients"))