- Real Stats by Michael Bailey
- Mastering Metrics
- Online version of Causal Inference: The Mixtape
- Online version of The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality
- Online version of Impact Evaluation in Practice - Second Edition
- Online version of “Causal Inference: What if”
- Regression Discontinuity:
- YouTube Lectures of Applied Methods by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
- applied-microeconometrics by Josh Merfel
- Slides from Peter Hull’s Metrics class
Stata Resources
- Sean Higgins’s Stata Guide
- Asjad Naqvi’s Stata tips
- Really Easy tool to make U.S Maps
- Learning how to graph your results in STATA with do-files by John Kane @UptonOrwell
- These are a great set of cheat sheets in case you like to print them!
Understanding concepts
Cognitive Learning Resources
- A video explaining active recall and how to apply it
- Need great music for background? Check this great background noises for work
- Tempted to have things on? Try apps that block things for you like Freedom
Primer: Where to find data- Guide to Applying for PhD Programs in Econ (Torsha Chakravorty, Aishwarya Kekre, Prerna Kundu, Lakshya Narula, and Vaibhav Ojha)
- En español: EconThaki tiene una guía para estudiantes de LAC sobre como comenzar tu camino hacia el doctorado
- IV Designs substack by Scott Cunningham
- The material from another causal inference class