You can use these questions as a guide to practice for the exam. We have about 35 questions here, plus all the questions from your quizzes, homework, and worksheets. If you need more than that, you also have questions in your books and questions from the discussion section.
A couple of guidelines:
- You can use these questions as either assessment or evaluative.
- If you plan to use these questions as an “assessment,” I recommend you not study, take these questions, and then go back to exploring those topics in which you feel weaker.
- If you plan to use these questions as "evaluative," I recommend also timing yourself. Since the exam is a time-constrained exercise, it's good also to practice questions with a time constraint.
- We note that some answers are meant to be didactical (teaching moments) rather than answers that get straight to the point.
- Some questions will say, "Show your work," but in the answers, we show numbers. One would want to show the process; the answer is to check if you use the proper method.
- It would be best to try not to learn all types of questions, as this will train you to answer a particular question rather than "any question."
Job Training Program
CEO's and Salary
An example from an APP
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Get out the vote
Practice multiple choice in quizzes