You will have 15 minutes to present your full findings and take questions. Keeping in mind that your audience/policymaker functions in a context of limited bandwidth to attend to you and your policy problem, you will need to summarize the key aspects of your policy problem, considerations, and findings and/or recommendations. The emphasis in this briefing will be on the question you are addressing and the solution you found, as well as how to implement that solution. You are welcome to invite others, including your client, to this briefing.
Your presentation will need to be coupled with a “one-pager,” a single sheet of paper that contains the key information you would like your audience to absorb. Bring enough copies to distribute to the class (and turn in online), and base your presentation on this sheet, rather than on a script, notes, or slide deck.
Other instructions:
- Think back to prior oral briefings (including from fall APP). What did you do well that you want to replicate? What do you want to improve?
- Give your briefing without reading from a script (and ideally with as few notes as possible).
- Listen carefully and ask questions during others’ briefings.